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By Faith we are Called

“For the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “But the righteous man shall live by FAITH.” Romans 1:17

In 2014, as a family, my wife and I, together with our recently born son Caleb and our Alaskan Malamute named Oreo, moved to Mazatlán, Mexico. We had been married for almost three years and took a major step of faith to leave what had become my home for the previous ten years in Chapala, Mexico.

Katie and I had known each other since around 2002, as we had grown up in the same town and dated in high school in Colorado, USA. We dated for almost 8 years before finally getting married in 2011, and a few months later, we returned to Mexico together as missionaries. This was probably the hardest season of our lives, both individually and together. It was a season of finding a new depth of our identities, figuring out marriage, and trying to discover what God was really calling us to do with our lives, together. It was both exciting and fearful, but it was a moment that would redefine everything in our lives.

God provided for our move to Mazatlán primarily through local Mexicans, the deposit for the house we would be renting came through local Mexicans, the first months’ rent and even our 5,000 pesos for our upcoming staff retreat was all provided through local Mexicans. We had lost much of our financial support and were in a very vulnerable moment in life and God provided through the locals for us to continue following His Guidance as volunteer-missionaries. Together, we KNEW, that God wanted us in Mexico, despite the faith that was needed to stay. I’ll never forget how God used this moment to teach us, guide us, humble us, and unite us. He proved Himself faithful like never before, and we discovered what it meant to truly live by faith and what it meant to be called by God.

Upon arrival to Mazatlan, God reminded me about a word that He had spoken to my heart in 2004, “these will be ten years of preparation, of being in the desert, to prepare you to enter the promised land.” This was a word that would build upon the original phrase that first called me to Mexico, “God doesn’t have grandchildren, but only sons and daughters. Are you a grandchild, or a son? Do you relate to God through others (Church, Leaders, Parents, Culture) or through a personal relationship with Him?”

These two words pushed me to look into the mirror and ask myself what my faith was built upon. Was I a grandchild or a son of God? Was I following Him for the promise and calling He could give me, or because of He was the Caller and Voice? I was challenged to really hear the voice of the Caller and not just the calling, while also being pushed to find intimacy with Him built on genuine faith, not just the testimony of past generations. Questions began to arise, "Who is my God? Who am I? What is my vocation?"

Upon arrival in Mazatlán, God began to remind me of so much of this incredible journey with Him and how important it would be to share with the world. I began, what took over six years to finally have published, my first book. As I’ve grown and understood more and more of who He is and who He has called me to be, my goal has been to have my story become His-Story. As I’ve learned to recognize His Voice, I’ve learned to find more of my own vocation. He’s called me to be a husband and father, writer, linguist, Bible Translator, Teacher, a Leader of others, and a tool in the Hands of the Creator to bless the Nations. Publishing this first book in English was a big step. it's in final format now in Spanish and Portuguese, and I'm currently working on three other books. My goal would be to publish a book a year if possible.

Discover more of what it means to live by FAITH and understand more of your CALLING in Chapter 1 of my recently published book, Extra-Ordinary the Touch That Marked Eternity “Who are These Men that Have Turned the World Upside Down?”


A response to the nudge of God, resulting in change of course, direction, identity and purpose, leading to a new vocation; a response to the voice of the All-Powerful and All-Personal God.


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